New statistical report on postgraduate students and degrees at third cycle 2023
A new statistical report on postgraduate students and degrees at third cycle is now available. The report shows that there were more women than men among third-cycle new entrants in 2023 and that the most common field of research among doctoral students was medical and health sciences.
The statistics show the number of first-year students, doctoral students and graduate degrees. They are presented by gender, age, study funding, length of studies within different research disciplines and by universities/colleges. The data covers 2023 as well as changes during the period 2014 to 2023.
More women than men among third-cycle new entrants
In 2023, 3 170 new entrants began third-cycle education, which was 150 more than in the previous year. There were 40 more women and 110 more men than in 2022. However, the final number of third-cycle new entrants is likely to increase since there is a delay in reporting, and the number of new entrants is thus underestimated. In 2022, subsequent reporting led to an upward revision of about 110 third-cycle new entrants.
Among third-cycle new entrants, 52 percent were women and 48 percent were men. For the fifth consecutive year, there were more women than men among third-cycle new entrants. In the early 1990s, only one-third were women.
Proportion entering third-cycle education remains low
The proportion of people who enter third-cycle programmes among the Swedish population no later than at age 30 years has decreased. This proportion was largest among the cohorts born 1975–1978, at 1.6 percent. Among the cohort that recently turned 30 years old (born in 1993), this proportion was 0.6 percent. Among women and men, the proportions were 0.5 percent and 0.6 percent, respectively.
Most doctoral students in medical and health sciences
In autumn 2023, there were 17 600 active doctoral students, of whom 9 250 were women and 8 350 were men. According to preliminary figures, there were 130 fewer women and 400 fewer men than in autumn 2022. There is also a delay in this reporting, which means the number of doctoral students in 2023 likely is about equally large as in 2022.
The most common field of research among doctoral students was medical and health sciences (6 390 doctoral students), of whom 62 percent were women and 38 percent were men.
Increase in the number of doctoral degrees
In 2023, 2 760 doctoral degrees were issued, which is 20 more than in 2022. This increase is likely due to a higher number of third-cycle new entrants a few years ago. The sex distribution was even among the doctoral graduates. In 2023, 420 licentiate degrees were issued, which was 10 fewer than in the previous year. Among these graduates, 180 were women (43 percent) and 240 were men (57 percent).
About the report
The statistical report contains more descriptive information about the official statistics published in April this year on doctoral students and degrees at third cycle. The report includes descriptive information on the number of new doctoral students, doctoral students, and research degrees by, for example, university, field of research and development, study funding, or activity. You can find the previously published official statistics on Statistics Sweden's website.
This page was published 24 June 2024