Higher education institutions
There are approxemately 50 higher education institutions in Sweden.
Chalmers University of Technology website
KTH Royal Institute of Technology website
Luleå University of Technology website
Stockholm School of Economics website
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences website
University of Gothenburg website
University colleges
Blekinge Institute of Technology website
Kristianstad University website
Swedish Defence University website
The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences website
Art, design and music academies
Beckmans College of Design website
Royal College of Music in Stockholm website
Royal Institute of Art website
Stockholm University of the Arts website
Independent education providers
Marie Cederschiöld University (former Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College)
Evidens AB
Gammelkroppa School of Forestry
Johannelund School of Theology website
Scandinavia’s Academy for Psychotherapy Development
Sophiahemmet University College website
Stockholm University College of Music Education website
Swedish Institute for CBT & Schema Therapy website
Swedish Red Cross University College
University College Stockholm website
This page was last updated 13 November 2023